Thursday, October 1, 2009

TLT (Teaching, Learning & Technology) Group Definitions

From a TLT (Teaching, Learning & Technology) Group 9/23/09 listserv message--posted by Steve Gilbert.

"Here's a cluster of useful definitions/explanations of the ideas we've been working with lately. As always, I welcome your comments, observations etc.

Frugal Innovation: Continue to improve teaching and learning with technology when money and time are scarce - especially by taking advantage of abundant free and low-cost online resources.

Faculty Sharing Further: Use informal but intentional activities and new technologies to multiply the effectiveness of faculty development and similar educational efforts.

Nanovation: Self-sustaining peer-to-peer dissemination of small, important steps - on a path to bigger improvements.

Extermission: A planned interlude of 1-5 minutes when participants share something useful during a class, presentation, or workshop.

Brief Hybrids: Rapidly introduce useful information, tools, ideas or resources in 15 minutes or less. Participants watch a brief video (eClip), interact with each other, exchange insights, give feedback, and are given options for going deeper into the subject.

Thanks for your attention,

Note: "Extermission" seems similar to Angelo's & Cross' "Pause Procedure" from their well-known book, Classroom Assessment Techniques: a Handbook for College Teachers.
Esther Grassian

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